Gap years are an amazing experience. You have the opportunity to travel the world, absorb the fantastic cultures and try things you’ll probably never do again. But for many gap year travelers, there are a lot of questions – especially when you find yourself in a foreign country and find few people who can speak English. Thailand is one of the most popular countries for gap year travelers, with hundreds of wonderful activities to get involved with. But how are you going to get about and enjoy all those days out? For anyone on a gap year, getting around is going to be crucial. So have no fear, as we bring you five ways to get around Thailand when you’re on your travels.

1. Tuk Tuk

No, this isn’t Thailand’s answer to the famous Tauntaun of Star Wars. Tuk Tuks are actually a fairly handy way of getting about, and sees a man driving what is effectively a rickshaw to your destination.

There are some downsides to this type of service however, with several people on Trip Advisor warning against their use. That said, you should be able to find plenty of perfectly honest tradesmen who want nothing more than to get you from point A to B as quick as they can.

2. Buses

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There’s no consistency when it comes to the buses in Thailand – and we think that’s a good thing. Thaizer says you can either choose to travel in luxury VIP or Super VIP shuttles, or instead elect for the cheaper and more traditional rot tam-ma-dah option.

The differing class system for buses in Thailand mean you can not only budget according to the quality of travel you’d like to experience, but also decide how authentic a taste of the “real” Thailand you’re looking for.

3. Taxis

You’ll often be advised not to get in taxis which have a set rate in the UK, and it’s definitely also true when you venture overseas to this Asian nation. 1cover’s Thailand survival guide states If the person whose cab you’ve hopped in says the meter is broken, or just refuses to turn it on, get in another taxi.

This is an age-old con which used to catch a lot of tourists out – after all, they have no idea what is and isn’t a reasonable price to be paying in the region. Now we’ve learned though, and that means you can benefit from saving yourself some serious cash.

4. Train

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The train system in Thailand is probably the most similar mode of transport to what you’re used to back home. There’s nothing particularly extreme or out there with this service, and it’ll get you to where you need to be with minimal fuss.

Do be careful if you’re heading off on a night train, however. If you fall asleep and leave your items unattended, you may well become the victim of theft. Again though, this shouldn’t scare you into not travelling.

5. Motorbikes

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In a city which is swarming with bikes, you’ll be able to spot the ones who offer travel by the luminous orange coats they’re adorned in. Stick to these drivers alone when paying for a lift with this type of taxi service. Anyone else might try to rip you off.

Traveling around Thailand is simple enough if you know how to. Follow the advice we’ve laid out today to make sure you get around without any hassle the next time you’re out there.