It’s been a pretty tough year all round, with millions of people’s lives and work upended by the onset of the global Covid-19 pandemic. Families prevented from seeing one another. Increased levels of anxiety relating to health and welfare. All of this compounded by a lack of freedom to escape the suffocating, all-encompassing nature of the pandemic.

Overall, there’s very little you can do to deal with these difficulties from your home, which, in itself, causes personal anxiety levels to spike. So, how can you simultaneously distract your overwhelmed mind from the pandemic and yet feel both productive and in control?

Plan for the Future

One good way of feeling like you are handling the pandemic in a positive way is to think about life post-pandemic. This can include re-establishing your pre-pandemic routine with regard to work, travel, and socializing. But it can also relate to planning events or activities that you can look forward to once the world has returned to some semblance of normality.

Write yourself a list of goals and activities to complete post-pandemic. These might consist of booking that backpacking trip in a beautiful, remote part of the world such as Thailand. It might feature work goals, including taking part in useful courses or aiming for promotion. You could learn a new language at an evening or weekend class. You could even find ways of boosting your confidence and improving the way you look, including aesthetic procedures that focus on skin health and the regeneration of collagen, such as those offered by

Planning for the future provides you with things to work towards, alleviating the anxiety and sense of hopelessness created by pandemic.

Learn a New Skill

The internet is awash with videos and tutorials that feature individuals or groups highlighting their skills and offering to teach these to followers – particularly on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram Reels. From home improvement and DIY to photography, art, baking and even dance tutorials, there are plenty of interactive videos that will help you to develop some new skills.

There are also apps, free courses, and masterclasses online that you can access for free to learn new skills such as a new language, novel writing, and business development. So, why not use this time productively and teach yourself something new and worthwhile for the post-pandemic world? 

A Food and Fitness Routine

Whilst you’re holed up at home, cycling through anxious or unproductive thoughts, you have the unique opportunity to improve your physical health and wellbeing via an established routine. At a time such as this, having something tangible to build your day around (like a proper routine) is going to do wonders for your mental health, too.

Set an alarm to get up at the same time every day and develop a healthy breakfast, lunch, and dinner menu that you can easily implement. Maybe you can create superfood smoothies for a health-focused breakfast? Or consider how to ensure you get a good number of fruits and vegetables into your diet. Make sure it is a balanced amount of nutrition groups.

Once you’ve done this, you can scour various apps and the internet to identify a fitness routine that works for you. One that can be completed from the comfort of your home (and with household products, if required as equipment). The benefits of this sort of routine on your mental and physical health can’t be underestimated, particularly at such a trying time. 

The way you choose to handle the pandemic is unique to every individual person, but, if you’ve been finding it difficult to distract yourself and feel positive, these tips might just be what you need to feel in control of your life during the ongoing nature of the pandemic.